Orchid Energy

Orchid Energy’s Guide: What to Consider Before Installing Your Home Solar PVSystem

You’ve done the research, and you’re convinced. A Solar PV system is an excellentinvestment. But how do you move from intention to installation? There are key factors toconsider to ensure you get the most from your solar investment, and we’re here to guideyou through them. Selecting the Right System Size for Your Needs The size […]

Cracking the Financial Code: Understanding the Cost-Saving Benefits of Solar PVSystems

With a growing concern for the environment, we often speak about the green credentials ofsolar power. But equally important, if not more, are the financial benefits that come withswitching to Solar PV systems. So, is solar truly a good investment? The answer is aresounding yes, and here’s why… The Declining Costs and Rising Rewards of […]